Study Abroad in Seoul, South Korea

Dominique Zimmerman
2018-05-24 09:53
Good Morning,

My name is Dominique Zimmerman. I'm a senior Social Work scholar at Florida A & M specializing in Pediatric Genetic Counseling. This summer, I have the opportunity to study abroad in Seoul, South Korea at Yonsei University. I'll be there for six weeks learning Korean language, culture, as well as attending academic courses like Social Psychology and Genetics. I'm inquiring if it is at all possible that your church could sponsor my trip. I feel that studying abroad and learning about worldviews that differ from your own makes you a more well-rounded citizen; it also allows for respect and appreciation for others. As the daughter of an immigrant, I know how important it is to me and my family that others understand our culture and how I was raised, my norms. Although my parents and I aren't Korean, I do have a respect and a desire to learn about your country, your way of life, your language, and your culture; these things can't be taught just from watching dramas or listening to the music. I am scheduled to leave for Seoul on June 20th, which is approaching rapidly. I have a Gofundme page dedicated to raising funds for my trip, the link will take you to the page: I ask that you please share this with your congregation, any help is appreciated.


Thank you 고맙습니다,

Dominique Zimmerman

Bachelor of Social Work candidate

(214) 516 - 5920
전체 0

전체 211
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