FSU 간호대학 Job Posting: 2 research coordinators, several postdocs

2021-12-19 20:14

저희 랩에서 일할 research coordinator 두명과 postdoc 여러명을 뽑고있습니다. 문의는 hahn@fsu.edu 로 주시면, 성심성의껏 답변해 드리겠습니다.


Job Opening#50653 Research Coordinator, College of Nursing (2 vacancies),

Research Coordinator, College of Nursing (2 Vacancies) Florida State University Tallahassee, FL


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Here is the link to the nursing post doc openings

Job ID = 50118, Postdoctoral Fellow – Florida State University College of Nursing-Multiple Vacancies



Hyochol "Brian" Ahn, PhD, MSN, MS-ECE, MS-CTS, APRN, ANP-BC, FAAN

Associate Dean for Research & Professor, Florida State University College of Nursing

Courtesy Professor, Florida State University College of Medicine

Adjunct Faculty, University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston McGovern Medical School

Principal Investigator: NIH R01NR019051, NIH R15NR018050

Editor-In-Chief, Asian/Pacific Island Nursing Journal

Editor, Frontiers in Human Neurosicence Brain Function for Symptom Management Section

Grants Director, Southern Nursing Research Society

American Academy of Nursing, Edge Runners National Advisory Council Member

American Nurses Association, National Commission to Address Racism in Nursing Member

Distinguished Educator in Gerontological Nursing/National Hartford Centers of Gerontological Nursing Excellence (NHCGNE)


전체 0

전체 269
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